Couples Counseling in Palo Alto

and Silicon Valley

Couples Counseling in Palo Alto and Silicon Valley

Marriage Counseling and Individual Therapy in Palo Alto, Redwood City, and Los Gatos

The Couples Center specializes in marriage counseling and couples therapy. Our experienced, licensed marriage and family therapists (MFTs) provide individual therapy and couples counseling services in the South Bay Area, including Palo Alto, Los Gatos, and Redwood City.

Marriage Counseling and Individual Therapy in Palo Alto, Redwood City, and Los Gatos

Couples Counseling in Palo Alto and Silicon Valley

The Couples Center specializes in marriage counseling and couples therapy. Our experienced, licensed marriage and family therapists (MFTs) provide individual therapy and couples counseling services in the South Bay Area, including Palo Alto, Los Gatos, and Redwood City.

Do you want to create a closer, more intimate relationship with your partner? Over time, most couples experience challenges in their relationship. With the help of an experienced marriage counselor, change can happen faster than you might think! Most of the time it only takes small changes—but the right ones—to create the relationship you desire. Contact us today to learn more!

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You can have the relationship you want.

We focus on experiential practices.

We focus on experiential practices.

Improving Communication

Are you getting stuck in the same arguments again and again? The Couples Center of the San Fransisco Bay Area can help you resolve underlying issues, so that you can easily speak about the things that matter most…. read more.

Building Trust

Intimacy is built on trust. When trust in a relationship has been compromised, it can feel very lonely. Marriage counseling can support you in taking the steps for rebuilding trust and connection… read more.

Igniting Passion

Do you feel more like roommates than lovers? Has your sexual passion declined? Couples counseling can help you rediscover the vitality of your physical and romantic relationship… read more.

Check out our FAQs to learn more about how we are different!

We work with the Experts.

Couple Having Couples Therapy with Mature Couples Therapist

Relationship Specialists

We help both individuals and couples improve their relationships.

Focused Process

When you work with a specialist, progress can happen quite fast.

Engaging & Interactive

Within a warm, supportive environment we offer direct feedback on how you can make your relationship better.

Couple Having Couples Therapy with Mature Couples Therapist

Finding a Good Fit

It is important for you to feel comfortable with your therapist. We’ll do our best to find you the counselor who best fits your needs.

Specialized Focus

Our therapists and coaches specialize in individual therapy, Couples Counseling, and Sex Coaching + Therapy. No matter what you are experiencing, our therapists have the skills to help you find happiness.

Meet Our Team in Palo Alto

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The Couples Center is for individuals and couples.

We believe learning the tools to have successful relationships ensure a higher quality of life and overall happiness.

Our Marriage Counselors and Relationship Experts in the South Bay and Peninsula areas are capable of helping you reach your highest potential. They can help you learn the tools and techniques you need to communicate easier, feel more confident, and boost happiness.

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Discover what you need to feel passionate and fulfilled in love.

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What’s your Core Relationship Desire?

Discover what you need to feel passionate and fulfilled in love.

Take The Quiz Now

Contact us today for a free consultation.

If you’re coming to couples therapy for the first time, you probably have some questions about it. Here are some of the basics, with links for further resources: In relationship counseling, you’ll meet with one of our South Bay marriage therapists once a week for 50 to 60 minutes, or sometimes every other week for 75 to 80 minutes. Our Session rates start at $220, but senior level therapists start at $240.


Most of the time, the sessions will be together with you and your partner, but occasionally your therapist will meet with each one of you individually. You’ll meet in one of our Peninsula or South Bay counseling offices, depending on the relationship counselor assigned to you. In the first marriage therapy session, your therapist will get some background information from you and will clarify your goals for working together. Once your goals are clarified, your marriage counselor will work with both of you to identify the strengths of your relationship and how to build on them, and also the challenges you have and how to understand them.

Every couple has one or a few underlying patterns that cause most of their challenges. Once you identify them and know how to overcome them, your relationship can become much easier to manage and a lot more intimate. If you have specific questions, our Palo Alto, Redwood City, or Los Gatos marriage counselors will be happy to have an initial phone consultation with you. For more information, read what to expect from marriage counseling or our counseling FAQs.

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