- Telehealth
- Holistic therapy-Spirituality
- High conflict couples
- Mindfulness based therapy
- Integrative wellness
Abigail Rooney, LMFT
I work with couples who are stuck in dynamics that are not serving them. No matter how longyou have been together, whether it’s been a few months, or several years, it’s not too late totransform your relationship. As your therapist, I am here to help you talk about the hard things,the things that always get put off until it’s too late or maybe it’s something that you cannot nameyet but that you feel is not right. Together, we explore your unique relationship dynamic andwork to make the unbearable more bearable and the unconscious known. My approach isholistic, drawing from many different modalities and incorporates the mind-body connection.The first step is understanding yourself and your body, so that you may share your experiencewith clarity in your relationship. Often, a couple’s communication is heavily influenced by theirpast or riddled with worry about the future and they miss what is actually happening in thepresent moment. I help couples to develop mindfulness techniques that help them become awareof what they are experiencing in the present moment and speak to that. These are powerful toolsthat help couples to slow down, cultivate their intentions, and decipher what the important thingsreally are.
Psychology has always been something that has fascinated me from a very young age. I grew uptraveling the world with my father and was fascinated by how different cultures are. On abiological level I knew that we were all human, made of the same stuff; yet how we were raised,or where we grew up could change how we looked at the world, relationships, and other people. Ibelieve firmly that we are interdependent beings who need relationships but what that looks liketo everyone is unique. For me, my relationships have been my greatest sources of joy and alsomy biggest heartbreaks. Taking the time to get to know and understand myself has beentransformative for my relationships, romantic or platonic. Relationships are the place wherehumans can experience the deepest wounding and also the deepest healing. I believe thatlearning how to love is the reason we are all here.
Training and Education
I graduated from the California Institute of Integral studies in 2021 with a masters in IntegrativeCounseling Psychology in San Francisco, CA. I am currently working as an AMFT at GratefulHeart and The Couples Center. In school, I was trained in EFT and learned about the GottmanMethod. At the Nalanda Institute in San Francisco I have studied Compassion Based ResilienceTraining. Aside from psychology, I have worked as an herbalist and esthetician helping people toconnect with their body and heal using holistic practices.
In my Free time
I love hiking with my dog, Roscoe, and being out in nature. I find nature to be incredibly healingfor my nervous system. I love to cook and bake. I find good food to be nourishing for my bodyand love experiencing different cultures through food.

Abigail Rooney, LMFT

- Telehealth
- Holistic therapy-Spirituality
- High conflict couples
- Mindfulness based therapy
- Integrative wellness
I work with couples who are stuck in dynamics that are not serving them. No matter how longyou have been together, whether it’s been a few months, or several years, it’s not too late totransform your relationship. As your therapist, I am here to help you talk about the hard things,the things that always get put off until it’s too late or maybe it’s something that you cannot nameyet but that you feel is not right. Together, we explore your unique relationship dynamic andwork to make the unbearable more bearable and the unconscious known. My approach isholistic, drawing from many different modalities and incorporates the mind-body connection.The first step is understanding yourself and your body, so that you may share your experiencewith clarity in your relationship. Often, a couple’s communication is heavily influenced by theirpast or riddled with worry about the future and they miss what is actually happening in thepresent moment. I help couples to develop mindfulness techniques that help them become awareof what they are experiencing in the present moment and speak to that. These are powerful toolsthat help couples to slow down, cultivate their intentions, and decipher what the important thingsreally are.
Psychology has always been something that has fascinated me from a very young age. I grew uptraveling the world with my father and was fascinated by how different cultures are. On abiological level I knew that we were all human, made of the same stuff; yet how we were raised,or where we grew up could change how we looked at the world, relationships, and other people. Ibelieve firmly that we are interdependent beings who need relationships but what that looks liketo everyone is unique. For me, my relationships have been my greatest sources of joy and alsomy biggest heartbreaks. Taking the time to get to know and understand myself has beentransformative for my relationships, romantic or platonic. Relationships are the place wherehumans can experience the deepest wounding and also the deepest healing. I believe thatlearning how to love is the reason we are all here.
Training and Education
I graduated from the California Institute of Integral studies in 2021 with a masters in IntegrativeCounseling Psychology in San Francisco, CA. I am currently working as an AMFT at GratefulHeart and The Couples Center. In school, I was trained in EFT and learned about the GottmanMethod. At the Nalanda Institute in San Francisco I have studied Compassion Based ResilienceTraining. Aside from psychology, I have worked as an herbalist and esthetician helping people toconnect with their body and heal using holistic practices.
In my Free time
I love hiking with my dog, Roscoe, and being out in nature. I find nature to be incredibly healingfor my nervous system. I love to cook and bake. I find good food to be nourishing for my bodyand love experiencing different cultures through food.